Ghost Hosting

Top Ghost Hosting Service Providers for Your Blog in 2024

With our guide, discover the best hosting for your Ghost blog in 2024. Compare top-managed and self-hosted options, and consider adding a new hosting provider to the list to find the perfect fit for your needs.

· 15 min read
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Leonardo.Ai | Prompt: A young techie lady with a vibrant personality, sporting trendy glasses and accompanied by a single playful cartoon ghost familiar, stands confidently against a backdrop of crystal blue waters.

If you’re looking for the ideal hosting provider for your Ghost blog, look no further. We’ll compare top-notch managed and self-hosted options to help you make a well-informed choice.

A Ghost Guru will help you determine which service aligns with your preferences for ease of use or greater control over your blogging experience.

Key Takeaways

  • Choosing between managed and self-hosted Ghost options significantly impacts your blogging experience, with managed hosting offering convenience and support, and self-hosting providing control and cost savings.
  • Top managed Ghost hosting providers for 2024 include Ghost(Pro), Firepress, Midnight, DigitalPress, and Gloat, each offering unique features and pricing plans to cater to different needs.
  • Self-hosting Ghost can be done through platforms like DigitalOcean, AWS Lightsail, Docker, and Raspberry Pi, providing flexibility, scalability, and control for tech-savvy users.


Ghost is a dynamic, fully open-source platform that makes it easy to create and manage a contemporary blog or online publication. It provides high levels of flexibility and customization options that cater to individual preferences.

Ghost’s design prioritizes simplicity and effectiveness, allowing bloggers to dedicate their energies exclusively to crafting content without being encumbered by technical details.

The full capabilities of Ghost become apparent when paired with an appropriate hosting provider that takes care of server management, stores the data for your website, and delivers the essential framework required for maintaining the online presence of your blog.

Installation of Ghost is supported across numerous VPS hosting providers, which offers broad appeal among diverse user groups. This guide will lead you through the landscape of ghost hosting services while distinguishing between managed solutions and self-hosting alternatives.

The guide will also spotlight eminent providers and vital tools necessary for making a well-informed choice in selecting one’s preferred service type—managed convenience or self-hosted autonomy. We are equipped to assist you on this journey.

Comparing Managed vs Self-Hosted Ghost Options


Opting for managed Ghost CMS hosting or taking on self-hosting duties is a critical choice with substantial implications for your blogging journey.

With managed ghost CMS hosting, the complexities of server maintenance are taken off your shoulders, freeing you up to concentrate on producing content.

These providers handle server setup, roll out security updates regularly, and deliver outstanding support services to ensure an effortless and secure experience.

Conversely, choosing to host Ghost by yourself unlocks complete control over your environment, allowing extensive personalization beyond what managed options offer.

If you like having total control over every element of the Ghost CMS and are adept at managing technical intricacies yourself, self-hosting may also be more budget-friendly in the long run.

Deciding which path suits you best will hinge on factors like technological know-how, financial considerations, and your requirements regarding flexibility versus convenience in website management.

Benefits of Managed Ghost Hosting

Managed Ghost CMS hosting excels at streamlining the blog management process. With options like Ghost(Pro), setting up your ghost site is a breeze, requiring only a few clicks to deploy a fully managed platform.

This convenience means you won’t have to worry about server upkeep. These services manage software upgrades and security measures for you, ensuring your ghost hosting experience is smooth and secure.

When looking to host your ghost CMS, prioritize selecting a dependable provider that delivers exceptional performance and customer support. To ease the technical burden, managed ghost hosting providers offer comprehensive customer service that promptly addresses any issues that may arise.

Such responsive support proves indispensable for content creators who prefer dedicating their energies to producing engaging material rather than dealing with complications from their web host or sever-related dilemmas.

For those prioritizing ease of use and dependability in their web presence—especially concerning current, date-managed ghost CMS solutions—managed Ghost CMS hosting stands out as an optimal choice.

Advantages of Self-Hosting Ghost

Ghost on its Own comes with a collection of benefits, predominantly in the realm of customization and control.

When you self-host, you gain unfettered control over your server landscape, enabling fine-tuning for peak performance as well as tailoring settings to meet precise needs.

This level of adjustability is especially advantageous for those with technical prowess who desire deep customization of their Ghost website. Additionally, you use any theme you want!

Self-hosting may offer financial advantages. Opting for a virtual private server (VPS) or committing to dedicated hosting allows for more strategic resource distribution, which can lower overall costs associated with hosting services.

For individuals who embrace direct involvement and possess the skills necessary to administer their servers autonomously, opting to self-host Ghost stands out as an attractive choice that marries adaptability with potential cost efficiency.

Top Managed Ghost Hosting Providers


Several providers excel in offering managed Ghost hosting services, with outstanding features and capabilities. Prominent among them are:

  • Ghost(Pro)
  • Firepress
  • Midnight
  • DigitalPress
  • Gloat

These companies handle the complete spectrum of requirements including server configuration and security upgrades, freeing you to concentrate on crafting engaging content for your audience.


Ghost(Pro) is the official managed hosting service for Ghost, offering a seamless and fully managed experience. Setting up a new Ghost site on Ghost(Pro) takes around 20 seconds, making it incredibly user-friendly.

Revenue from Ghost(Pro) supports the future development of Ghost software, ensuring continuous improvements and innovations. Choose our ghost hosting services for the best experience.

Ghost(Pro) offers various pricing plans to accommodate different needs. Here are the available plans.

  1. Starter plan: priced at $11/month, includes essential features for small blogs
  2. Creator plan: offers additional resources and support for growing publications
  3. Team plan: provides advanced features for teams and multiple users
  4. Business plan: offers enterprise-grade features and support

With features like automatic weekly updates, worldwide CDN, and enterprise-grade security, Ghost(Pro) ensures a robust and reliable hosting environment.


Firepress provides a dedicated hosting service for the Ghost CMS that is more cost-effective than what is available through Ghost(Pro), delivering considerable value.

A notable advantage of Fire Press is its generous 21-day trial period, which is free of charge. This enables users to evaluate the platform before making any financial commitment.

With Firepress, website traffic volume is not limited. This makes it ideal for expanding blogs that need the capability to accommodate increasing numbers of visitors without concern over restricted bandwidth or additional charges associated with higher levels of traffic.


Midnight boasts a simple and intuitive interface that simplifies the process of creating a blog. It delivers a turnkey Ghost blog solution, with all features pre-set and no configuration needed from your end.

Utilize Midnight to swiftly launch both a blog and newsletter on the latest version of Ghost (v5). You can choose to either select your personal domain or opt for one supplied.

Midnight provides strong support services via chat and email, giving you access to assistance whenever required. This backing ensures the smooth operation of your fully managed Ghost platform experience.


DigitalPress presents an enticing offer with its ghost hosting service at no cost, yet it comes with certain restrictions including advertising on the website and a maximum storage limit of 1GB.

To eliminate these constraints and access additional functionalities suitable for business websites, DigitalPress has paid plans available that enhance features while also removing the ads.


Founder Dan Rowden’s Gloat prides itself on offering a tailor-made service with each setup meticulously crafted by hand. With an economical one-size-fits-all pricing strategy, users gain access to all of the features without incurring additional fees, representing great value.

Be advised that initiating your experience with Gloat can take as long as 24 hours because every installation is approached thoughtfully and thoroughly to guarantee precision and attention to detail.

Self-Hosting Ghost: Best Platforms and Tools


Utilizing different platforms and tools, individuals can self-host Ghost to enjoy distinct advantages. Among the top choices are:

  • DigitalOcean
  • AWS Lightsail
  • Docker
  • Raspberry Pi

Tech-savvy users will appreciate these options for their capacity to deliver adaptability, scalability, and control.

The mentioned platforms enable you to deploy and administer Ghost autonomously, permitting customization of the hosting setting according to your particular requirements.


Digital Ocean, recognized for its high-performance and scalable virtual servers (Droplets), is a favored platform for self-hosting the Ghost content management system. They provide:

  • A one-click app within their marketplace that simplifies the installation process
  • Competitive pricing with plans starting at $5 per month

As Ghost's endorsed hosting provider, Digital Ocean offers its services to novices as well as tech-savvy individuals.

When you opt for Digital Ocean as your hosting solution, you will be responsible for setting up, managing ongoing maintenance and updates, and handling server operations yourself.

Despite these responsibilities, the platform delivers solutions capable of scaling up resources automatically in response to traffic surges while maintaining strong security protocols including customizable cloud firewalls and consistent malware scanning.

Thanks to its extensive network of data centers around the world, Surveillance Digitalocean ensures dependable and swift performance when it comes down to the upper echelon serving your ghost events site content off location-based repositories,

AWS Lightsail

AWS Lightsail presents a trustworthy solution for hosting Ghost, providing straightforward usage and robust integration with additional AWS features. To host Ghost on AWS Lightsail, you should:

  • Confirm that your system possesses a minimum of 1GB RAM.
  • Opt for an Ubuntu 22.04 LTS as the base image.
  • Arrange your network settings to support HTTPS traffic.
  • Establish an A Record directing your domain towards the IPv4 address of your server.

Integrating Amazon S3 is a viable storage option for media files. The ghost-storage-adapter-s3 plugin must be installed, followed by modifications to the Ghost configuration file.


Utilizing Docker to operate Ghost presents a versatile and effective method for deploying the blog in diverse settings.

Its compatibility with numerous architectures, coupled with its ability to isolate every instance of a Ghost blog into separate containers, streamlines administration while maintaining an uncluttered environment.

Various versions of Docker images specifically designed for Ghost are available, allowing you to select the image that best meets your requirements.

Docker simplifies the deployment process by packaging all dependencies and configurations into a single container, ensuring that your Ghost blog runs consistently across different environments. This is particularly beneficial for developers who need to test their blogs in various stages of development, from local machines to staging and production servers.

Moreover, Docker's orchestration tools, such as Docker Compose and Kubernetes, can further enhance the management of multiple Ghost instances. Docker Compose allows you to define and run multi-container Docker applications, making it easier to manage linked services like databases and caching layers.

With a simple docker-compose.yml file, you can configure all the services your Ghost blog needs and deploy them with a single command, ensuring that everything works seamlessly together.

Kubernetes, on the other hand, provides advanced features for scaling, self-healing, and rolling updates, ensuring that your Ghost blog remains resilient and performant under varying loads.

By leveraging Docker's extensive ecosystem, you can integrate your Ghost blog with other services and tools, such as DevOps continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines, monitoring solutions, and automated backups. This integration capability helps maintain a streamlined and efficient workflow, reducing the time and effort required to manage your blog.

Speaking of integrations, A Ghost Guru excels at "connecting the unconnected." A major surface area impression enhancer is achieved by social media integration to extend your Blog's reach.

In summary, Docker offers a robust and flexible solution for hosting Ghost, providing the tools needed to ensure consistency, scalability, and ease of management across different environments.

Raspberry Pi (RPI)

To host a Ghost blog on a Raspberry Pi, one must:

  • Employ a Raspberry Pi 4 model with at least 4GB of RAM.
  • Load the device with Ubuntu Server version 22.04 LTS.
  • Add MySQL version 8 to the server environment on your Raspberry Pi.
  • Incorporate Nginx into the setup hosted on the Raspberry Pi.

This approach is an economical and space-saving option perfectly suited for enthusiasts and bloggers who are just starting out.

Cloudflare fulfills all SSL requirements to guarantee secure data exchanges. Opting for this method allows individuals to operate their own Ghost blog in an affordable manner while gaining valuable practical experience.

Essential Features to Look for in a Ghost Hosting Service

When selecting a hosting service for Ghost, it is imperative to look for key attributes that will contribute to the consistent and dependable operation of your blog.

Features such as excellent uptime guarantees, stringent security protocols, and the ability to scale with your needs are vital in ensuring a seamless and protected blogging environment.

Steering clear of free ghost hosting providers is advisable because these services typically cut corners on quality which can result in turning their users into commodities rather than prioritizing user experience.

A good hosting option should allow access to the admin panel so you can elevate security with distinctive user roles. Enterprises are increasing security measures to evade bad actors. After all, identity is the new attack surface!

Performance and Uptime

Choosing a Ghost hosting provider requires careful consideration of performance and uptime. Uptime measures how consistently a website remains available to users.

It’s essential for retaining visitor satisfaction and securing high SEO rankings, along with maximizing the blog's impact by getting social. Hosting providers must promise substantial uptime assurances, with figures frequently approaching 99.99%, affirming dependable service availability.

To foster an environment where your Ghost site thrives, prioritize finding hosts equipped with rapid servers and SSD storage aimed at augmenting website efficiency.

These elements are integral in delivering swift access to content on your platform, thereby upholding its overall functionality and accessibility for visitors.

Security Measures

When choosing a Ghost hosting service, security should be a top consideration. A multitude of hosting services offer key security amenities that include:

  • Complimentary SSL certificates for secured connections
  • Defense against DDoS attacks
  • Tailorable cloud-based firewall options
  • Frequent scans for malware

Deploying Ghost with HTTPS and fortifying MySQL through the utilization of mysql_secure_installation can strengthen your blog's defense.

By implementing these precautions, you safeguard your blog against digital threats and maintain the sanctity of your content.

Scalability and Flexibility

To effectively manage increasing traffic and expand your blog, it is vital to select hosting plans that provide scalability of resources. This flexibility can be available in the form of manual or automatic adjustments to cope with surges in traffic.

The use of a Content Delivery Network (CDN) and the implementation of caching layers are optimal strategies for preparing Ghost to handle higher levels of website activity.

Opting for a scalable hosting plan will guarantee that your blog has the capacity to support growth while preserving its performance during times when there is high traffic demand.

Setting Up Your Ghost Blog


Whether you opt for managed hosting services like Ghost(Pro) or Firepress, which can ease the setup of your Ghost blog, or decide on self-hosting with solutions such as Digital Ocean or Docker to gain more control and customization flexibility.

Grasping the essential steps in configuring your blog is paramount. Both routes offer different benefits during the installation of your Ghost host. Understanding these options will ensure a smooth blogging platform setup process.

Installing Ghost on Managed Hosting

Managed hosting platforms such as Ghost(Pro) and Firepress simplify the process of installing Ghost by managing server details for you, freeing your time to concentrate on creating content.

Launching a new site with Ghost on their professionally handled service, like Ghost(Pros), is nearly instantaneous, taking about 20 seconds for a completely trouble-free setup.

Managed hosting offers an ideal solution for individuals seeking an expedient and uncomplicated way to get their site up and running without the intricacies of server maintenance.

Self-Hosting Ghost on DigitalOcean

To set up Ghost on a self-hosted server with Digital Ocean, establish a Droplet and then install prerequisite software such as Node.js.

Utilize the Ghost-CLI to install and set up your Ghost blogging platform. After creating a droplet, access your new server through SSH to configure it and carry out the installation of Ghost.

During this phase, you will be required to input details pertaining to your domain along with an email address for SSL configuration. This step is critical for securing your site.

Using Docker for Ghost Setup

Employing Docker containers offers a pristine environment for configuring numerous Ghost blogs. Encapsulating each Ghost blog setup within an individual Docker container enhances both management and isolation.

By utilizing Docker, one can handle and transfer Ghost more effortlessly, ensuring that scalability is achieved alongside efficiency.

Launching a development instance for your Ghost blog through Docker substantially simplifies the process. Configuration parameters are easily defined using environment variables when starting up your instance with Docker.

Customizing Your Ghost Site


Tailoring your own. Ghost websites with custom themes are key to forging a distinctive online presence that reflects your branding.

Using Handlebars templates, which are integral to Ghost themes, you can deeply customize the appearance of posts, pages, and other aspects related to content presentation.

Opting for either official ghost themes or crafting bespoke ones opens up wide-ranging opportunities for individualizing your site.

Choosing and Installing Official Ghost Themes

Ghost provides an assortment of both complimentary and paid official themes that you can peruse to select one that aligns perfectly with your site’s objectives and visual style. To install a Ghost-approved theme, execute the following instructions:

  1. Proceed to Settings → Site → Design and branding.
  2. Opt for Customize.
  3. Click on Change theme.
  4. Preview and activate a different theme.

If you want advanced features, consider premium themes, which typically include developer support from the theme's creators.

To manually set up themes, utilize the Upload theme function found in the Ghost Admin dashboard.

Custom Themes and Integrations

Techies with coding expertise can tweak HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files to make comprehensive alterations to their Ghost theme. Code editors such as Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, or Atom facilitate granular adjustments.

Creating bespoke themes is achievable by first downloading the existing theme files to your local environment for revisions before uploading them back onto your blog site.

Such depth of personalization guarantees that your Ghost blog not only distinguishes itself but also resonates with the essence of your brand identity.

Maintaining and Updating Your Ghost Blog

It is imperative to the sustained success of your Ghost blog that you consistently maintain and refresh it. Performing frequent backups coupled with updating the software regularly are imperative measures that protect your content and enhance its functionality.

For blogs on managed hosting services such as Midnight, updates and backups occur automatically, offering a more worry-free solution compared to self-hosted Ghost blogs that necessitate a greater level of personal attention for maintenance.

Regular Backups and Recovery Options

It is imperative to frequently create backups of your Ghost blog to expedite recovery from any instances of data compromise or cybersecurity breaches. To achieve a thorough restoration, it’s necessary to preserve both the database and file-system contents.

Through the Ghost Admin interface, backups can be manually created by exporting content and safeguarding the content folder alongside the MySQL database.

Implementing automated backups using the ‘ghost backup’ command provides ongoing security without requiring regular personal oversight.

Keeping Software Up to Date

Ensuring your Ghost and associated applications remain up-to-date is crucial for preventing possible security issues while gaining access to the newest features and enhancements. With Ghost(Pro), you are taken care of.

Weekly updates, regular backups, steadfast security measures, and performance optimizations are managed for you to keep your blog both modern and safe.

In contrast, if you’re self-hosting blogs, setting up automatic software upgrades can simplify maintaining current versions without needing hands-on intervention.

Keeping an eye on updates concerning plugins and themes for your blog is essential to maintain compatibility along with enhanced security. By subscribing to the notifications or newsletters from Ghost, staying abreast of fresh features as well as important security fixes becomes effortless.


Selecting an appropriate Ghost CMS hosting service is essential for your blog’s thriving performance. Managed Ghost CMS hosting simplifies the entire process, offering straightforward setup, ongoing maintenance, and strong support—perfect for those who appreciate convenience over direct control.

In contrast, opting for self-hosting with Ghost brings more personalization options and could be more economical in the long run. Regardless of preference between managed or self-hosted solutions, services such as Ghost(Pro), Firepress, Digital Ocean, and AWS Lightsail provide dependable hosting that caters to varying requirements.

To ensure a seamless blogging journey on your Ghost blog platform, recognizing vital features in a host like efficiency, robust security measures, and room for growth are crucial aspects when making your choice.

With suitable tools and knowledge about them, these features become easier to manage. Tailoring and maintaining your host provider is advantageous, offering every opportunity for accessibility.

Ghost CMS allows you to tap into its potency and create standout content that blooms online. Your focus utilizes potential throughout cyberspace, ensuring recognition.

Understanding the true capabilities provided by the system and network resources available, ready to be taken advantage of when chosen correctly, is suitable for specific needs and purposes. This can make a difference in the overall popularity and success of your blog.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best-managed Ghost hosting service?

Ghost(Pro) offers the premier managed hosting for Ghost, ensuring a fully managed setup along with dependable support.

Can I customize my Ghost blog with a unique theme?

Certainly, it is possible to personalize your experience. Ghost blog users can use official themes or craft custom themes utilizing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Numerous possibilities are available for you to distinguish your blog as unique.

What are the benefits of self-hosting Ghost on DigitalOcean?

Hosting Ghost on Digital Ocean by self-hosting offers scalable Virtual Private Servers (VPS), effortless setup, and stringent security protocols. This delivers a reliable hosting solution that also allows for control, adaptability, and reduced costs.

How can I ensure the security of my Ghost blog?

To safeguard your blog on Ghost from potential threats, it’s crucial to implement SSL certificates, engage DDoS protection measures, utilize adjustable cloud firewalls, and conduct consistent malware scanning. These strategies will bolster the security of your ghost blog.

What should I do to maintain and update my Ghost blog?

To keep your Ghost blog operational and current, it’s crucial to perform routine backups and update the software regularly.

If you opt for managed services such as Ghost(Pro), they will manage these processes on your behalf. If you’re running a self-hosted blog, maintaining or establishing automatic or manual updates is essential.

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