Theme Customization Featured

The Ultimate Guide to Customizing Ghost Themes for a Unique Blog Design

Customize your Ghost theme for a unique blog design. Think of this guide as a book for customizing themes, covering basic to advanced modifications to make your blog stand out.

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Leonardo.Ai | Prompt: A young techie lady with a vibrant personality, sporting trendy glasses and accompanied by a single playful cartoon ghost familiar, stands confidently against a backdrop of crystal blue waters.

Creating a unique and engaging blog design is essential for standing out in the crowded digital space. Ghost, a powerful headless CMS, offers extensive customization options that allow you to tailor your blog's appearance and functionality to match your brand.

Did you know? According to Veeqo (An Amazon Company), 38% of people will stop engaging with a website if the content or layout is unattractive.

This highlights how crucial a well-customized theme is for keeping your readers hooked [1]. Ready to create a blog experience that truly stands out? Let’s dive in!

This guide will walk you through customizing Ghost themes, from basic adjustments to advanced modifications.

Getting Started with Ghost Themes

Ghost themes control your website's visual organization, functionality, and appearance. By default, new Ghost sites come with the Casper theme, optimized for blogs and newsletters. However, Ghost offers a variety of themes that can be customized to suit your needs.

Installing a Theme

  1. Access the Ghost Admin Panel: Navigate to your Ghost admin panel (usually at
  2. Go to Design Settings: Click on SettingsDesign & Branding.
  3. Upload a Theme: Click on Upload a Theme to upload a .zip file of your chosen theme. You can find themes in the Ghost Marketplace or other theme repositories[2].

Basic Customizations

Ghost provides several built-in customization options that do not require coding knowledge. These can be accessed through the Ghost CMS dashboard.

Branding Settings

  1. Colors and Logos: Set up your site's colors, images, and logos to fit your brand. This can be done under SettingsBranding.
  2. Accent Color: Choose an accent color that contrasts well with white text. This color will be used for buttons, headers, and navigational elements.

Layout and Typography

  1. Change Fonts and Layout: Customize the fonts and layout of your theme through the Design settings. This includes adjusting the typography and layout to better match your brand's style.
  2. Custom CSS: For further customization, you can inject custom CSS through the Code Injection section in the Ghost CMS dashboard.

Advanced Customizations

For those comfortable with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, Ghost allows deeper customization by modifying theme files directly.

Setting Up a Local Development Environment

  1. Install Ghost Locally: Install a local development environment by installing Ghost on your computer. This allows you to test changes before deploying them to your live site.
  2. Access Theme Files: Navigate to the content/themes directory of your Ghost installation to access your theme files. Use a code editor like Visual Studio Code or Sublime Text to edit these files.

Modifying Theme Files

  1. Edit Handlebars Templates: Ghost themes use Handlebars for templating. Common files to edit include default.hbs, index.hbs, and post.hbs.
  2. Custom Homepages and Post Templates: Create custom homepages and post templates by adding new .hbs files and modifying existing ones. This allows you to create unique layouts for different types of content.

Using Custom Settings

  1. Define Custom Settings: Add custom settings to your theme's package.json file under the config.custom key. This allows users to configure aspects like typography and color schemes directly from the Ghost admin panel.
  2. Access Custom Settings: Use the @custom helper in your Handlebars templates to access and apply these settings.

Tips for Effective Customization

  1. Start Small: Begin with small changes and preview them to avoid breaking your theme. Always back up your theme files before making significant modifications.
  2. Use Documentation: Refer to the theme's documentation and Ghost's extensive theme documentation for guidance on customization options and best practices [3].
  3. Community Support: If you encounter issues, seek help from the Ghost Forum or consider hiring a Ghost expert for more complex customizations.


Customizing your Ghost theme can transform your blog into a unique and engaging platform that reflects your brand's identity. Whether making basic adjustments through the Ghost CMS dashboard or diving into advanced theme development, Ghost offers the flexibility to create a site that stands out. Follow this guide to start customizing your Ghost theme and take your blog design to the next level.

Refer to the official Ghost documentation and community resources for more detailed instructions and examples. Happy customizing!